Rita Kuehnis

Mar 16, 20182 min

How can paying a Daily Money Manager help you saving money?

Updated: May 20, 2020

This is a question I often hear when I explain to people what a Daily Money Manager can do for them. Of course the services are convenient, but are they also worth paying the money for it?

Hiring a Daily Money Manager can actually save money because:

  • You will stay on top of your payments, so there will be no late fees

  • You have a second pair of eyes and another brain assisting you, so you will most likely not become a fraud victim

  • A Daily Money Manager is checking you complete financial situation and can save you money by discovering unnecessary services or subscriptions, like paying for a cable phone if you use only your mobile

  • A Daily Money Manager might discover if you are double insured from different companies

  • For seniors a Daily money Manager can help staying independent by helping them staying on top of the financial affairs

  • A Daily Money Manager keeps your finances organized, so you will get better support from other service providers like accountants and financial advisors. A Daily Money Manager will even work together with them as a team (see the comparison of financial helpers for more information about the different roles)

  • Through your Daily Money Manager, you get access to a wide network of trusted professionals for many of your needs. This can save you bad experiences with less reliable providers.

  • If you are new in handling your own finances, after a divorce or when becoming widowed, a Daily Money Manager can help you during the transition phase and avoid costly mistakes

... and besides the those monetary advantages you get peace of mind and TIME (either more time for yourself or to spend with your loved ones)!
